Hi HTC-E4 family ;-)
The beginning of Summer is upon us! Hope you have plans to get out and do some camping this summer or are able to make some last-minute trips work :-) The campout is 3 1/2 months out from now. We are looking forward to catching up with those that have been to previous campouts and meeting new friends.
We have an event shirt again for this year. We have made a few changes to that process...
The shirts are $15 each. Go to this link to order and purchase the shirt: https://mwdadventures.itemorder.com/shop/sale/
The store will be open for the month of June. Due to availability shortages in so many areas including clothing, we want to do this early.
We will bring the purchased shirts to the event and pass them out when you register - saving you shipping costs.

The following companies have donated to the giveaway for Saturday night - consider them when you are outfitting your trailer:
Hiker Trailer
Moonshade Awning https://moonfab.com/?sca_ref=1710074.7Pc6JZZu8D Discount code: MWDAdventures for $30 off
Tumbo Tusk, https://tembotusk.com Discount code: mwdadventures for 5% off
Mpowerd, https://bit.ly/3LZlHeL
Mattress Insider/Hypervent, https://bit.ly/3CY2fMkDiscount code: Share5 for 5% off
Looking forward to seeing you all Sept 16-18 at Cook Forest State Park! Matt & Wendy DeWittMWD Adventures - Get out and do some camping!